网站标题: Miranda Michels - one-of-a-kind wildlife and garden sculptures in steel
网站简介: Miranda Michels creats one-of-a-kind wildlife and garden sculptures in steel to private commission for those with an appreciation of nature and traditional fieldsports.
关键字: miranda  michels  sculpture  garden  sculptures.  wildlife  equine  fieldsports  steel  private  commissions  nature  fieldsports  
网站标题: Twisted Fish Gallery | Learn how Twisted Fish Gallery came to be and the love that went into it
网站简介: Art gallery and sculpture garden in northern Michigan. Twisted Fish Gallery - Elk Rapids, Michigan.
关键字: art  gallery  sculpture  garden  sculptures  artwork  Elk  Rapids  City  northern  Michigan  artists  gifts  jewelry  pottery  gallery  art  exhibits  yard  art  yard  sculpture  
网站标题: Dolls of India - Indian Paintings, Sculptures, Jewelry, Apparel, Books
网站简介: Find affordable Indian art items like Hindu brass statues, wooden sculptures and masks. Our Indian *tings feature Hindu and Buddhist *tings in various styles like Batik, Miniature, Madhubani, Kalamkari. We also showcase reprints of *tings on paper and other paper reprints and posters. We feature Saris, Salwaar Kameez, matching Costume Jewelry, Bindis, Bags and Belts. Also *ailable are books on Hindu religion, pocket Gita, Indian comics and philosophy books.
关键字: indian  arts  indian  art  store  india  hindu  sculptures  indian  jewelry  fashion  jewelry  saris  sarees  salwar  kameez  kurta  pyjama  necklaces  bindis  books  gita  veda  bhagwat  gita  brass  statue  wood  scu  
网站标题: Fair Trade Handmade Products, Unique Ethical African Gifts
网站简介: Discover Unique Handmade Fair Trade African Products. Our wide range of Ethically sourced items combine traditional s*s with contemporary design. New olive wood & soapstone kitchenware just in!
关键字: handmade  gifts  handcrafted  products  fair  trade  products  ethical  gifts  fair  trade  gifts  unique  African  gifts  sculptures  wooden  carvings  wooden  animals  african  animal  carvings  African  art  dje  
网站标题: Vic Payne Studio
网站简介: Vic Payne Studio, fine art, bronze sculptures
关键字: Vic  Payne  bronze  sculptures  
网站标题: Florida Fountain and Lawn Ornaments
网站简介: Located on Hwy 441 just outside of Leesburg, Florida Fountain prides itself in carrying some of the most innovative creations in Fountains and Statues.
关键字: Fountains  Sculptures  Eagles  Bear  Deer  Alligators  Dolphins  Lions  Elephants  lawn  ornaments  benches  seats  patio.  Leesburg  
网站标题: Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille
网站简介: Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille
关键字: Beaux-arts  Musée  Galerie  Collections  Chef-d’œuvre  Exposition  Peintures  Antiquités  Sculptures  Dessins  Plans-Reliefs  Céramiques  Objets  d’art  Médailles  Visite  Conférence  Billetterie  Goy  
网站标题: janacharl.com
网站简介: janacharl.com
关键字: janacharl.com
网站标题: Rocky Mountain Sculpture and Design - commercial art, custom theme designs.
网站简介: Rocky Mountain Sculpture and Design - commercial art, custom theme designs.
关键字: Rocky  Mountain  Sculpture  artificial  rock  custom  design  theming  theme  sculptures  amusement  parks  miniature  golf  courses  rock  sculpture  waterfalls  waterparks  3-D  advertising  3-D  signs  resor  

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