网站标题: * Page
网站简介: Next Industries online store, selling OMNIAlog, miniOMNIAlog, OMNIAlog FTC and Fourtec product family. Based in Italy.
关键字: universal  datalogger  rugged  data  logger  data  acquisition  system  web  server  datalogger  gprs  datalogger  universal  daq  universal  data  logger
网站标题: Wireless Industrial IOT Sensors - BeanAir | Wireless IOT Sensors
网站简介: BeanAir is a German manufacturer and designer of smart and rugged Wireless Industrial Internet of Things ( IOT ) Sensors dedicated to Structural Health Monitoring ( SHM ), Geotechnical, Ground Vibration Montoring, * and Measurement and Condition Monitoring System. Our wireless technology has a very high *ailability rate in harsh environments.
关键字: wireless  IOT  sensors  wireless  data  logger  system  vibration  detection  shock  detection  temperature  monitoring  humidity  monitoring  temperature  and  humidity  monitoring  DAQ  data  acquisition  system
网站标题: ANM Corp: Soluciones en seguridad, movilidad y automatización
网站简介: ANM Corp, es una empresa 100% Mexicana, ofreciendo los servicios de instalación, mantenimiento y asesoría en equipos para medidas de seguridad, automatización y comunicación, implementado las plataformas que usted requiera para su comfort
关键字: ANM  Corp  seguridad  automatización  comunicación  control  de  acceso  cctv  software  de  control  alarmas  de  intrusión  detección  de  incendio  automatización  PAC  DAQ  PLC  aplicaciones  SCADA  comunic
网站标题: Embedded Industrial Computers for Edge, IoT, & AI | CONTEC | CONTEC
网站简介: Electronics manufacturer and systems integrator specializing in custom embedded computing, industrial automation, and M2M/IoT communication technology. Our products are used around the world in factory automation, transportation, medical and life sciences, robotics, security, energy, government, and beyond.
关键字: CONTEC  industrial  computer  industrial  PC  embedded  PC  embedded  computer  data  acquisition  DAQ  PC-base  measurement  PC-based  control  industrial  automation  factory  automation  medical  computing
网站标题: Visual DAQ - 3D Data Center Monitoring | Data Center Modelling & Visualization | Data Acquisition &
网站简介: Data Acquisition (DAQ), Visualization, Analysis & Simulation (*AS) with Data Center Modelling.
关键字: Visual  DAQ  VisualDAQ  DAQ  Data  Acquisition  Data  Center  Modelling  Data  Center  Visualization  Data  Center  Monitoring  Data  Center  Analytics
网站标题: Intech DAQ: Cloud Data Aquisition Systems, Industry 4.0, DAQ, IOT
网站简介: Intech DAQ, an affordable Data Aquisition System built for the connected world and suitable for industry 4.0, smart factory or Industrial Internet of Things, Best DAQ Companies in chennai, IOT Solution With Maximum Number of Outputs, Industry 4.0, IOT Projects in chennai, Traceability solutions
关键字: DAQ  Companies  in  chennai  Tamilnadu  India  DAQ  Companies  IOT  Solutions  IOT  Projects  in  chennai  Traceability  solutions  Data  Acquisition  System  in  chennai  Tamilnadu  IOT  Cloud  DAQ  IOT  Solution
网站标题: Embedded Industrial Computers for Edge, IoT, & AI | CONTEC | CONTEC
网站简介: Electronics manufacturer and systems integrator specializing in custom embedded computing, industrial automation, and M2M/IoT communication technology. Our products are used around the world in factory automation, transportation, medical and life sciences, robotics, security, energy, government, and beyond.
关键字: CONTEC  industrial  computer  industrial  PC  embedded  PC  embedded  computer  data  acquisition  DAQ  PC-base  measurement  PC-based  control  industrial  automation  factory  automation  medical  computing
网站标题: 冠一科仪 |测试测量;生物力学
网站简介: 坚持与世界上最先进的传感器和测试仪器厂家合作,为客户在测试测量、生物力学领域提供精确的测量方案。品牌:FUTEK, Dytran, DEWESoft, DT, STI...
关键字: 力传感器  压力传感器  称重传感器  加速度传感器  应变式传感器  压电式传感器  多轴力传感器  数据采集系统  DAQ  便携式采集器  数据采集软件  

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