网站标题: End Untouchability - Mother and Child Health and Education Trust
网站简介: Untouchability is the socio-religious practice of ostracizing a minority group by segregating them from the mainstream by social custom or legal mandate. The excluded group could be one that did not accept the norms of the excluding group and historically included foreigners, nomadic tribes, law-breakers and criminals and those suffering from a contagious disease such as leprosy.
关键字: Timing  Births  Safe  Motherhood  Newborn  Health  Child  Development  Early  Learning  Breastfeeding  Nutrition  Growth  Immunization  Diarrhoea  Coughs  Colds  More  Serious  Illnesses  Hygiene  Malaria  H  
网站标题: The Good Bowel Habit
网站简介: A Gastroenterologist and a Physiotherapist h*e collaborated to produce a book that may be helpful. One woman in 5 over 40 years of age has constipation.She has a slow, difficult bowel habit or strains at stool. "One person in 10 over 40 years of age has incontinence faeces and or wind. Both these bowel difficulties may relate to pelvic floor muscle weakness. Understanding how the gastrointestinal tract works our muscles contribute good (& bladder) function is first step tackling two
关键字: bowel  cancer  colon  intestine  rectum  polyp  anaemia  irritable  bowel  syndrome  IBS  constipation  diarrhoea  abdominal  causes  risk  factors  symptoms  treatment  incontinence  bladder  bowel  contine  
网站标题: Rights of the Child - The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust
网站简介: The right to affection, love, and understanding. The right to adequate nutrition and medical care. The right to free education. The right to full opportunity for play and recreation. The right to a name and nationality. The right to special care, if handicapped. The right to be among the first to receive relief in times of disaster. The right to learn to be a useful member of society and to develop individual abilities. The right to be brought up in a spirit of peace and universal brotherhood. T
关键字: Timing  Births  Safe  Motherhood  Newborn  Health  Child  Development  Early  Learning  Breastfeeding  Nutrition  Growth  Immunization  Diarrhoea  Coughs  Colds  More  Serious  Illnesses  Hygiene  Malaria  H  
网站标题: myindia.net
网站简介: Diarrhoea, diarrhea, diarrhoeal diseases, dehydration and oral rehydration are the focus of Rehydration Project. We create and support diarrhoea management programs that rehydrate a dehydrated child through the promotion and production of oral rehydration salts [ORS]. We also provide assistance for programs that support breastfeeding, achieve and maintain high levels of immunization, improve access to clean water and safe sanitation and encourage hygiene education.
关键字: water  sanitation  hygiene  diarrhoea  breastfeeding  dehydration  rehydration  diarrhea  diarrea  diarrhoeal  diseases  diarrhoeal  disease  diarrheal  diseases  rehydrate  rehydration  dehydration  reh  
网站标题: Health Videos and Nutrition Videos for Mobile Phones & Tablets - mhealth, Education, Instruction
网站简介: We provide health education to villages by reaching and transfering health and nutrition knowledge directly from and to the mother, child and the whole community. Primarily in the area of nutrition, water, timing births, safe motherhood, newborn health, child development, early learning, breastfeeding, nutrition, growth, immunization, diarrhoea, coughs, colds, serious illnesses, hygiene, malaria, HIV, child protection, injury prevention, emergencies, preparedness, response.
关键字: health  education  villages  water  hygiene  sanitation  breastfeeding  nutrition  diarrhoea  child  welfare  education  development  mother  protection  anganwadi  nurse  midwife  supervisors  safe  m  
网站标题: HealthRadio - The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust
网站简介: Employing all communications technologies to reach and transfer health and nutrition knowledge directly from and to the mother, child and the whole community.
关键字: Timing  Births  Safe  Motherhood  Newborn  Health  Child  Development  Early  Learning  Breastfeeding  Nutrition  Growth  Immunization  Diarrhoea  Coughs  Colds  More  Serious  Illnesses  Hygiene  Malaria  H  
网站标题: Health Videos and Nutrition Videos for Mobile Phones & Tablets - mhealth, Education, Instruction
网站简介: We provide health education to villages by reaching and transfering health and nutrition knowledge directly from and to the mother, child and the whole community. Primarily in the area of nutrition, water, timing births, safe motherhood, newborn health, child development, early learning, breastfeeding, nutrition, growth, immunization, diarrhoea, coughs, colds, serious illnesses, hygiene, malaria, HIV, child protection, injury prevention, emergencies, preparedness, response.
关键字: health  education  villages  water  hygiene  sanitation  breastfeeding  nutrition  diarrhoea  child  welfare  education  development  mother  protection  anganwadi  nurse  midwife  supervisors  safe  m  
网站标题: icddr,b -  *  
网站简介: icddr,b
关键字: diarrhoea  diarrhea  child  health  bangladesh  research  Dhaka  Hospital  ORS  oral  rehydration  solution  Matlab  maternal  health  MDGs  dhaka  cholera  chronic  disease  climate  change  HIV/AIDS  malaria  

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