网站标题: Matses Native Amazonian Tribe
网站简介: The Matses or Mayoruna tribe is a native indigenous Amazonian tribe located on the border of Brazil and Peru in the Amazon Rainforest. Speaking a language in the Pano linguistic family, their indigenous Amazonian culture is similar in many aspects to the Matis and Korubo tribes
关键字: Mats閟  Animist  Christianity  Korubo  Logging  MATSES  Mayoruna  Mayuruna  Panoan  Poaching  Polygamy  Amazonian  Tribe  Amazon  Rainforest  Native  Americans  Brazil  Peru
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网站简介: Rhino Conservation, S*e the Rhinos, Donate today!
关键字: Rhino  Conservation  Stop  poaching  donate  to  orphan  rhinos
网站标题: S*e the Rhino!
网站简介: Supporting South African based *ations that support the Rhino Effort. *ations that educate the world and its youths on the effects of Rhino Poaching and the consumer effects of Rhino horn. Money raised for anti-poaching units and mobilising teams with equipment sufficient to support the cause. This website allows you to make a choice of who you would like to support by giving an explanation of each *ation and links to their various websites. Donation details for each *ation is on
关键字: the  Rhino  the  Rhino  South  African  Rhino  in  South  Africa  Xikukutu  Klaserie  Rhino  Klaserie  Game  Reserve  Eco  Children  Training  Rhino  Horn  Education  Anti-Poaching  

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