网站标题: Kongamato Pterodacytl
网站简介: Kongamato, the flying creature of Africa, may be a modern pterodacytl, more correctly "pterosaur"
关键字: kongamato  Africa  pterodacty  pterosaur  cryptozoology  
网站标题: The Cryptid Zoo: A Menagerie of Cryptozoology
网站简介: A guide to the science of cryptozoology and the creatures it studies, from Bigfoot to the giant vampire bat.
关键字: cryptozoology  cryptid  anomalistics  legends  
网站标题: Searching for Ropens and Finding God
网站简介: The fourth edition of the nonfiction cryptozoology book "Searching for Ropens and Finding God" covers a lot of ground: expeditions in cryptozoology in Papua New Guinea and in other areas, investigating eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs, also called "pterodactyls" and "flying dinosaurs" and "featherless birds" and "dinosaur birds." Religion actually is in the background, for this is about se
关键字: ropen  pterosaur  book  nonfiction  Jonathan  Whitcomb  pterodactyl  cryptozoology  flying  creature  cryptid  nocturnal  
网站标题: Live Pterosaur
网站简介: The truth about some species of pterosaur: They still live, although they are uncommon and mostly nocturnal.
关键字: pterosaur  book  cryptozoology  nonfiction  South  Carolina  Cuba  
网站标题: Searching for Ropens and Finding God
网站简介: The nonfiction book, by Jonathan D*id Whitcomb, about the early stages of the discovery of modern pterosaurs, including many credible sighting reports from around the world
关键字: ropen  Whitcomb  book  nonfiction  spiritual  cryptozoology  science  religion  Papua  New  Guinea  pterosaur  pterodactyl  dinosaur  
网站标题: Live pterosaurs or pterodactyls
网站简介: Eyewitness accounts: sightings of apparent pterosaurs around the world
关键字: live  pterosaurs  in  America  nonfiction  book  Amazon  sightings  California  Texas  South  Carolina  ropens  eyewitnesses  expedition  Papua  New  Guinea  dragons  dinosaurs  bioluminescent  Umboi  cryptozoology  
网站标题: A Live Dragon
网站简介: Introduction to the concept of modern living pterosaurs, what some in ancient history or third world countries call "dragons."
关键字: dragon  pterosaur  cryptozoology  
网站标题: Living Pterosaur
网站简介: Reports of living pterosaurs from around the world, including Papua New Guinea, Africa, and North America
关键字: living  pterosaur  live  pterodactyl  ropen  Papua  New  Guinea  cryptozoology  
网站标题: Brian D. Parsons
网站简介: Dr. Brian D. Parsons has been investigating paranormal claims since 1996, he has authored 4 books on ghost investigating and one on the basics of cryptozoology. He is an *id public speaker who appears at conferences, conventions, libraries, podcasts and other outlets, is the voice of the Paranormal News Insider, and is the Executive Director of ParaNexus Anomalous Research Association.
关键字: Brian  D  Parsons  ghost  help  library  radio  guest  television  guest  cryptid  cryptozoology  podcast  guest  ghost  apparition  speaker  ufo  haunting  ohio  paranormal  anomalous  research  e4  method  
网站标题: The Mysterious Ukalope
网站简介: The Mysterious Ukalope
关键字: ukuleles  ukeleles  ukaleles  ukuleles  of  felton  felton  ukalope  ukelope  uke-a-lope  cryptozoology  cryptids  criptids  bigfoot  ukulele  jackalope  jackalope  bigfoot  sasquach  

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