网站标题: SSH / Telnet Client for Windows 7, XP, Vista, Mobile (and others)
网站简介: SSH, SFTP, and Telnet in a tabbed client for Windows 7, XP, Vista, Mobile (and others). AbsoluteTelnet supports ssh forwarding and advanced ssh authentication options such as smartcard and Kerberos. Plenty of terminal emulations.
关键字: ssh  windows  7  sftp  telnet  client  windows  kerberos  xp  vista  
网站标题: IceWarp Email * - Unified Communications
网站简介: IceWarp Unified Communications * is a fully integrated email server, webmail server, groupware, instant messaging, VoIP / SIP, text messaging.
关键字: unified  communications  server  mail  server  電子郵件服務器  電郵  電郵服務器  email  server  webmail  server  groupware  instant  messaging  server  sso  single  sign  on  gssapi  kerberos  active  directory  
网站标题: Keycloak
网站简介: Keycloak is an open source identity and access management solution
关键字: sso  idm  openid  connect  saml  kerberos  ldap  

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