网站标题: Sawaji Design
网站简介: Sail Yacht and Power Boat Design Office
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网站标题: RIBnet Forums - Powered by vBulletin
网站简介: The site for all users of RIBs, rigid inflatable boats, and SIBS RIBnet is packed with up to date boat news and RIB information for experienced boat users and RIB novices alike
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网站标题: *
网站简介: / High Performance Powerboat Event!
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网站标题: Gulf Coast Offshore
网站简介: Gulf Coast Offshore is a powerboat club for performance boaters in the gulf coast area, team outrageous, apba, apbaoffshore, New Orleans, poker run, powerboats, performance
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网站标题: Garrett&*39;s Marina Boat Storage on the Rappahannock River and Chesapeake Bay
网站简介: sells Parker Boats, Key West, Sunset Bay powerboats. New and Used powerboats for *. Located at: Buoy 19 Rappahannock River, Center Cross, Virginia 22560
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网站标题: Classic Boating Magazine | Vintage Boat Enthusiasts | Vintage Powerboat Magazine | Classified Boats
网站简介: Enjoy reading about the classic speedboats from the golden era of the runabout that include marque class names like Chris-Craft, Gar Wood and Hacker. Classic Boating magazine published in color six times a year features boat shows, exemplary boats, restoration tips, classified boats for * ads, product *s, world class photography, and much more.
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网站标题: Wooden Boat Kits, Boat Building & Plywood Suppliers - CKD Boats
网站简介: Wooden Kit Boats,Kit Boats cut by CNC machine, Boat plans for purchase, yacht designs and boat kits for boats built from wood epoxy, plywood,wooden boat kits, dinghies, cruising sailboats and power cruisers, rowing shells, boatbuilding advice, Dudley Dix Design boat kits, L*ranos design boat kits, Catamaran boat kit, Supplers of Plywood, Bendy Plywood, Flexible plywood, Deluxe light Plywood, Veneer, and exotic timbers
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网站标题: Tunnel Boats, Vee Hulls and Performance Powerboat Design
网站简介: Tunnel Boat design, vee hull design, power boat design, powerboat optimization, boat articles, boat videos, powerboat performance analysis and setup secrets
关键字: Tunnel  Boats  vee  hulls  tunnel  hull  design  power  boat  design  tunnel  boat  plans  racing  boat  plans  boat  articles  boat  videos  vee  pad  boats  tunnel  hulls  fishing  boats  bass  boats  F1  Powerboat
网站标题: P1 Superstock - World Powerboat Racing Competition - P1 Superstock
网站简介: P1 Superstock, International Powerboat Racing, Grand Prix of the Seas, the Ultimate Powerboat Championship
关键字: Powerboat  Racing  Motor  Racing  P1  Superstock  Grand  Prix  Power  boat  International  Powerboat  Championship  powerboat  racing  boat  racing  action  sport  p1  water  sports  extreme  sports  motor  sport  motorsport  p
网站标题: P1 Marine *ation - P1 Marine *ation
网站简介: In September 2010, P1 launched a registered charity which has as its principal *ive the promotion of the conservation, protection and improvement of the marine and coastal environment. The *ation foc
关键字: Powerboat  Racing  Powerboat  P1  P1  Superstock  APBA  OPA  Mercury  Racing  Offshore  Powerboat  Racing  High-Speed  Motor  Racing  Grand  Prix  Power  boat  International  Powerboat  Championship  powerboat  racing  bo  

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